Tematic Media Group

Tematic Media Group(TMG) is an independent media company, being successful in Central Europe since 2003.
TMG has 4 own channels, in 10 countries distributed in more than 10 million Households.
The production department produces more than 1000 hours content in different categories.
TMG is also a distribution sales house with 49 channels in Central Europe.
Channel Distribution
Apart from TMG’s own channels, there are 49 other channels, where TMG is managing the distribution of these channels...
More informationProduction
TMG has a wide experience in content production with different content categories and genre.
More informationMedia Consultancy
TMG provides a full consultancy service from international tv broadcasters start up, till channel management, programming and distribution as well as legal technical and financial services...
More informationNational and International Events
Apart from channel media services, it is very important for us to have a personal and professional relationship with other media entreprises...
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